Posts tagged community conversation

Earth Day Community Teach-in on Housing

Earth in water drop reflection on green leaf, Save the earth concept, Elements of this image furnished by NASA


Please join us this Saturday from 12:00-3:00 pm at  The Space @GreenStar for Earth Day Ithaca.

We will be hosting a community conversation on how we might address the housing shortage in the Ithaca area in ways that reduce displacement of lower-income residents while honoring neighborhood quality of life.

It is clear that Ithaca’s popularity is causing a housing affordability crisis for those already here. And the Ithaca area is slated for continued growth with additional infill projects, significant waterfront development, and housing complexes in several municipalities.

Most of the people being added to our population are students, retirees, and entrepreneurs attracted to Ithaca’s culture and knowledge economy. But what does this mean for working class residents? What will happen to Baby Boomer city residents as they retire and transition to smaller fixed incomes? Read the rest of this entry »

Don’t Miss the Ithaca Premiere of “The Economics of Happiness”

Sustainable Tompkins is hosting a community conversation on sustainable economy on April 27, 7:00-9:30 pm at Cinemapolis on The Commons.  We’ll be screening the Ithaca premiere of The Economics of Happiness – a film by Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick and John Page, and a project of the International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC).   Watch the trailer here.

Relocalization of our economy is essential if we are to buffer ourselves from speculative bubbles and escalating food and energy prices.  How can we transform our personal household economies to build in long-term resiliency and well being? How can we work together to design a local economy that works for everyone and takes advantage of the power of entrepreneurship, sharing, self-provisioning, and local investment? What principles should guide us?

We’ll explore these questions and more with a panel of local community leaders who will outline our progress in creating a more sustainable economy and suggest opportunities to pursue in the next few years. Former Ithacan and LACS graduate, Kristen Elizabeth Steele of the ISEC will be here to introduce the film.  Audience members are encouraged to bring their ideas and to share news on other local initiatives.  Tickets are offered on a sliding scale of $5-$10 at the door, or can be purchased in advance by contacting

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