Wes Ernsberger and Gerri Wiley

We welcome a great testimonial from a very generous Finger Lakes Climate Fund donor, Gerri Wiley:

“In addition to contributing to the Finger Lakes Climate Fund to offset our personal annual carbon use, my life partner, Wes Ernsberger, and I have encouraged members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton (UUCB) to follow suit. Last Spring, UUCB held a special collection for FLCF. It was an easy ask because hey… who wouldn’t want to know their carbon offsets are being used help local families to reduce and decarbonize their energy use?

“We like to think of ourselves as climate stabilizers, so ideas keep popping into our heads in this regard. This year I became an official old lady and thus was required to take a Required Minimum Distribution from my Traditional IRA. FLCF was the #1 good cause on my list and so this ‘requirement,’ unlike many other requirements, was not painful at all!”