Soledad Exantus and her daughter Sydney were all smiles at the recent open house held for the two new homes being built in Ithaca’s Northside neighborhood by Habitat for Humanity. The Exantus family has longed for more room for their teenage daughters, and they are so excited by the prospect of owning their own affordable, efficient, and solar-powered dwelling. Mohammed Maataoui and his daughter Esrah were also there that night to celebrate their upcoming ownership of the other half of this new duplex.

Our Finger Lakes Climate Fund helped pay for the 4.68 Kw solar arrays that will be on each of their roofs to power their all electric homes. Thanks to our donors we were able to do these first solar PV grants from our Climate Fund!

In this era of growing inequality and fraying democracy, it can seem pretty daunting to figure out how to join in and make a positive difference. Our local carbon offsets are an excellent way for you to participate in both protecting our climate and building an economy based on mutual support and solidarity. Both of these impacts are essential to our future well being. 

On #GivingTuesday, we hope you will recognize your role in securing our future. By taking responsibility for your carbon emissions from your travel, you can help those in need in our community while supporting a clean energy economy.

So don’t forget to offset any traveling associated with your Thanksgiving weekend – whether you were the host or the guest! While you’re at it, why not offset any other travel you did in 2017? You’ll have much to celebrate including a smaller carbon footprint and that good feeling from having done the right thing.

And remember, your local carbon offsets support local green jobs as well. Workers like Wailin Phyo of Snug Planet, pictured here installing a super high efficiency air source heat pump for the Khatkhates, is just one of many local energy contractors who benefit from the projects supported by the Finger Lakes Climate Fund.

A solidarity economy is built right into climate protection when you make a carbon offset with us. Local families enjoy lower energy bills, workers keep working, and we reduce our community’s carbon emissions.

At, it is easy, quick, and affordable to take responsibility for your emissions while helping local families thrive in our community!