Why are these three separate organizations coming together and sharing one newsletter?
This collaboration among Sustainable Tompkins, the Green Resource Hub, and the Sustainability Center is our first joint effort after several months of facilitated meetings with representatives of all three organizations.  Together we have been exploring the potential to amplify our collective impact through collaboration.

Our three organizations work to advance sustainability awareness and active engagement in our community.  Our missions are complementary and we have a long history of supporting one another.  Over the past decade, Sustainable Tompkins has supported and catalyzed the local sustainability movement, helping inform and engage the grassroots as well as policymakers. The Green Resource Hub was incorporated 7 years ago with generous support and guidance from Sustainable Tompkins, and focuses on strengthening the marketplace for business owners and entrepreneurs interested in adopting a “people-planet-profit” approach to business.   The concept of the Sustainability Center as an “interpretive center” showcasing the broad array of regional sustainability efforts was supported by both Sustainable Tompkins and the Hub.   Likewise, the Center now showcases Sustainable Tompkins’ Sustainability Map and the Hub’s Green Business Directory.

This recent convergence, however, began with a string of event and program conflicts — as so often happens among the many local non-profits.  So, we decided to tear down a few fences and work to understand each other better.  Honest facilitated conversations to soothe bruised feelings quickly morphed into “what if” scenarios. Now, our events are coordinated and the three groups are actively collaborating and exploring deeper connections including even the possibility of merging one day. Toward that end, we recently applied for and have just been granted an award from the Community Foundation of Tompkins County to further this exploration with the assistance of a non-profit merger specialist.  Stay tuned… Together, we’ll let you know what happens next!