The Park Foundation, Sustainable Tompkins largest benefactor, has recently notified us that they will continue their support for Sustainable Tompkins in 2012. We are so grateful to them for all that they do for Sustainability in Tompkins County as well as their continued support of Sustainable Tompkins.
In their 2011 grant, they challenged us to expand our base of support by offering us $15,000 in matching funds for monies from new donors between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012 and we’re proud to announce that as of March 31, we met the challenge with $15,516.81 in gifts from new donors.
Thanks go out to our Board of Directors: Tom Shelley, Miranda Phillips, Marian Brown, Maryann Friend, Shira Golding Evergreen, Richard Franke, Alex Colket all who helped us reach this goal. Special thanks to Marian, Dick, Alex and our friend Don Barber who joined Gay and Karen in making calls for the final push. And thank you to all of you who joined Sustainable Tompkins, made gifts to the Neighborhood Mini-grants, off-set your excess carbon use with the Finger Lakes Climate fund, or responded to our appeals.