ROUSE (Residents Opposed to Unsafe Shale-gas Extraction) provides resources to those in the FInger Lakes who do not want to be exposed to the effects of natural gas drilling, and offers a forum for landowners to voice their opinions.
Posts tagged Marcellus Shale Activism
Mar 20th
Fleased provides a voice to landholders who leased mineral rights but now realize that Marcellus shale gas exploitation threatens their land, air, water and communities. Fleased members are gathering data on unfair and fraudulent gas company practices which can be used to support legislation and legal action.
Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition (DRAC)
Mar 20th
Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition (DRAC) formed to address concerns about natural gas drilling in the Town of Dryden concerning possible gas drilling in the town. The group submitted two petitions to the Town Board: the first petition sought to place limits on the noise level of the drilling and the second affirmed the town’s home rule.