Posts tagged energy efficiency

Rightsize Your Solar Electric Array

Solar panelJoin us on Tuesday, May 27 (7-9 pm at the Lansing Community Center, 25 Auburn Road) to learn how to reduce electricity consumption through conservation and efficiency measures before investing in a solar electric (PV) system.  Solar panel prices are lower than ever and incentives and tax credits remain high, so this is a great time to get off fossil fuels for your home electric needs.  However, it would be wasteful to spend more money and consume more natural resources than necessary to provide lighting and power to your appliances using solar energy.

This workshop will feature Cheryl Shields of Friedman Electric to share the latest in LED lighting, Dee Gamble of Tompkins County Cooperative Extension on reducing phantom load and switching to high efficiency equipment, and Gay Nicholson on creating your own personal plan for transitioning to a low carbon lifestyle.  Be sure to take a look at your recent electric bills so you can participate in an exercise on how to rightsize your own solar array. Read the rest of this entry »

Lansing Communergy Workshop Series on Renewable Energy

Lansing Communergy, a group of Lansing residents organized by Sustainable Tompkins, has been meeting since last August to explore various types of locally-owned renewable energy systems.  This spring they are hosting a series of public lectures on solar hot water, microhydro systems, and reducing household electricity usage prior to sizing a solar electric system.

My Solar Hot Water PanelsTheir first event was Tuesday, March 25, from 7-9 pm at the Lansing Community Center (25 Auburn Road).  Joe Sliker of Renovus Energy covered the topic of converting domestic hot water systems to solar energy. One of the easiest and lowest cost ways to go solar, the systems collect heat year-round to drastically reduce the fossil fuel energy used by your water heater.  Workshop attendees are eligible for a group discount.

On Saturday, May 3, we will host a lecture and site visit on microhydro systems from 12:30-5:00 pm.  We’ll begin with a brown bag lunch at the Lansing Community Center featuring Professor Phil Hofmeyer of the Renewable Energy Training Center at SUNY Morrisville.  Phil and his students have installed 4 microhydro systems in Madison County, and have several more underway.   After the lecture and Q&A session on the basics of microhydro systems, we will tour two potential sites on Gulf Creek and two sites in the Salmon Creek watershed near Ludlowville.

The final workshop on Tuesday, May 27 (7-9 pm at the Lansing Community Center) will explore how to reduce electricity consumption through conservation and efficiency measures before investing in a solar electric (PV) system.  Solar panel prices are lower than ever and incentives and tax credits remain high, so this is a great time to get off fossil fuels for your home electric needs.  However, it would be wasteful to spend more money and consume more natural resources than necessary to provide lighting and power to your appliances using solar energy.  This workshop will feature Cheryl Shields of Friedman Electric to share the latest in LED lighting, and Gay Nicholson of Sustainable Tompkins on reducing phantom load and switching to high efficiency equipment.


New Grant Fund for Newfield Residents Announced

FLCF-LogoResidents of the Town of Newfield have a new source of support for making energy improvements to their homes. Thanks to the impressive generosity of a local donor, Sustainable Tompkins has a pool of funding reserved just for the people of Newfield to help them reduce their fossil fuel consumption.The funding is available as two new grant awards from our Finger Lakes Climate Fund. These grants of up to $2,500 help modest-income households commit to a work scope of energy improvements to their home. Newfield households with less than the county’s median income will qualify for the grant awards, but application must be done through certified contractors for the Home Performance Program of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. Participating local firms include Energy Tec, Snug Planet, and Tompkins Community Action. Read the rest of this entry »

Renewable Energy Focus of February 25 Event

Join Sustainable Tompkins and the League of Women Voters for an evening discussing the power and potential of renewable energy in solving our energy and climate crisis.   Read the rest of this entry »

Energy Teach-In to Power Up Tioga County Residents

Sustainable Tompkins is working with the Owego branch of RAFT (Residents Against Fracking Tioga) to make a positive difference in the conversation around energy and climate.  As a follow-up to our February 9 movie and conversation about “When Climate Change Hits Home,” we have put together what promises to be a fun and informative day of hands-on education for homeowners and businesses about the many ways they can participate in the transition to a clean energy economy. Read the rest of this entry »

ST and Finger Lakes Bioneers cosponsor Empowered screening on December 7

Cinemapolis will be screening the latest version of the new film EMPOWERED on Wednesday, December 7th at 7pm followed by a panel discussion. EMPOWERED is an independent, locally-produced feature-length documentary that showcases the many ways in which Tompkins County residents are embracing renewable energy. This event is co-presented by Finger Lakes Bioneers, Ithaca Green Building Alliance (IGBA), Sierra Club Finger Lakes Group and Sustainable Tompkins. Tickets are $10 or $8 for members of Sustainable Tompkins and IGBA.

Director Shira Golding Evergreen (Frac Attack) and Producer Suzanne McMannis have collaborated to illustrate vividly in EMPOWERED that it is our friends and neighbors who are pioneering alternative energy. Right here in Tompkins County, so many have already taken the leap to a sustainable future, and in EMPOWERED they enjoy the opportunity to tell their stories to the public: what inspired them; what first steps they took; how things are working. Read the rest of this entry »

Join Sustainable Tompkins at Green Fest, August 5-7

Meet up with Sustainable Tompkins at Green Fest August 5-7, 2011 at Alfred University in Alfred, NY. On Saturday August 6th, from 4-5 pm, join Gay Nicholson for her workshop: Finger Lakes Energy Challenge: Taking Responsibility for Our Fossil Fuel Consumption. Most of the folks showing concern about gas drilling are also interested in living more sustainably – but how do we prove it? How can we demonstrate that we “walk our talk” when it comes to opposing drilling for natural gas? This presentation will showcase Sustainable Tompkins’s Finger Lakes Energy Challenge, an online platform to demonstrate your commitment to reducing fossil fuel consumption (and give you the tools to do so). Read the rest of this entry »

The Truth About Energy Security

By Gay Nicholson, Ph.D., President of Sustainable Tompkins

The theme of our recent Energy Fair was community energy security. Real energy security.

Most of us associate “energy security” with fossil fuel industry lobbyists who try to convince Americans that we will be more secure if we stop relying on imports of foreign oil and just let them expand drilling offshore or in the rural lands of America.

But is that really a plan that will make us more secure?  Consider this:

Energy efficiency has never polluted the Gulf of Mexico or slimed the shores of Alaska.

Solar panels never gave a child asthma or blew off a mountain top.

Wind turbines have never threatened millions with cancer-causing radiation.

Energy conservation has never polluted drinking water supplies or destroyed a rural landscape.

We’ll never be really secure if we continue to base our economy and our way of life on fossil energy.  We know it’s a tightening noose with constantly rising prices and amplifying environmental damages. Read the rest of this entry »

Energy Fair and Pledge-In for Finger Lakes Energy Challenge

April 6, 2011  –   6:30-9:00 pm
Womens Community Building Auditorium, 100 W. Seneca St., Ithaca, NY

Don’t miss the Energy Fair on April 6 where we’ll explore the math behind eS = mc2 !

True energy security is the result of motivated community cooperation to reduce our dependence on risky fossil fuels.

Every citizen has an important and necessary role in phasing out wasteful energy consumption and investing in efficiency and local self-renewing energy sources.  Energy is tied into almost everything we do.  Together we can make sure our families are secure and our economy resilient.  Together we can transform the energy marketplace and support our growing number of green collar workers.  Sustainable Tompkins and its partners are proud to host you and your family for an evening devoted to community energy security.  Download the Energy Fair poster and share widely! Read the rest of this entry »

Better Housing for Tompkins County

The Newfield Garden Apartments, which serves elderly and disabled individuals, has undergone an energy efficiency upgrade and remodeling this year. Better Housing for Tompkins County, which owns the apartments, utilized a grant for over $1.6 million from the New York State Division of Housing and other groups to do the renovations. Contractors installed central water heating and energy-efficient lighting. They also replaced all appliances with Energy Star rated models.