Last August, we moved into our current office space at 109 S. Albany St. The building already has many green features, and owner Taitem Engineering is working with Snug Planet to continue the upgrades! Following attic insulation and air-sealing, Snug Planet performed a blower door test to measure the degree to which our space is airtight. This test is considered the most effective way of measuring air leakage in small buildings and residential homes.
Image: The blower door test apparatus is installed in at the 109 S. Albany building. The fan is installed in the back door off the kitchen.
By installing an apparatus akin to a giant exhaust fan, Snug Planet staff identified the location of air leaks as air flowed quickly through the building. Using an infrared scanner, we could see the different temperatures zones on our walls – we could “see” the leaks!
Image: The infrared scanner detects variations in heat – here, we test it out by mapping the heat coming from one of Taitem’s staff members!
From these tests, Snug Planet will recommend targeted repairs- and they will be able to quantify the effectiveness of future upgrades. At 109 S. Albany Street, one of the most important upgrades we can make is to seal the ceiling plane between the main house and the attic. That way, heating and cooling from main house will not leak into the attic. We will also add a clear seal to the top of our windows. These upgrades will enhance the overall energy efficiency of our building. They will ensure that the building stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer with minimal energy use.
Don’t forget to call Snug Planet for your own home energy audit! Members of Sustainable Tompkins will receive a free home energy savings kit when they take advantage of a home energy audit from Snug Planet!