Did you miss the Ithaca Alternative Gift Fair?
If you couldn’t make it to the gift fair in person, you can still make a donation in honor of a friend or relative until December 20th.
Online donations can be directed to the following Sustainable Tompkins programs:
* Youth scholarships to attend Finger Lakes Bioneers 2010 conference – $5
* Seeds, plants and building materials to create neighborhood gardens in urban areas – $10
* Mini-grant program to seed-fund new community sustainability projects – $20
* Carbon offset through Finger Lakes Climate Fund to support local energy efficiency projects – $25
* General support for Sustainable Tompkins programming and operations – $open
Ready to finish off your Holiday Gift list? Click here.
Thank you for your support!
The Ithaca Alternative Gift Fair is a fun way to bypass the annual stress of holiday shopping and “stuff” accumulation while honoring friends and relatives with donations to causes that fit their values. What’s more, the IthacaAlternative Gift Fair provides critical support for a diverse collection of community organizations whose work has local, national, and international reach. Last year’s gift fair earned more than $45,000 for the participating organizations.