Sustainable Tompkins and its affiliates, Green Resource Hub and Finger Lakes Bioneers, invite you to join us next Thursday afternoon, November 12, between 4:00-6:30 pm in celebration of our new home at 109 South Albany Street. We moved into two rooms on the first floor back in late August, but we’ve been too busy to stop and celebrate having a permanent downtown location.
It has been wonderful to finally have a place to gather for our meetings, house our staff and interns, and store our outreach materials. And it has been a real bonus to be tenants for a true “bioneer” landlord – Ian Shapiro of Taitem Engineering . This lovely old house has been retrofitted with state of the art energy efficient heating and cooling equipment, and everyone in the building works together to reduce waste in all its forms. It’s fun being here, and we’d love to have you stop by and check out our new digs.
So be sure to mark your calendar for next Thursday, and remember to drop on by to mingle with other sustainability folks, nibble on some treats, and share a toast towards a more positive future for our community!