NEIGHBORHOOD MINI-GRANTS are available through Sustainable Tompkins, a citizen-based nonprofit working to create a more just and sustainable community in our area.

Goals of the grants
• To support and stimulate resident-based, “bottom-up” initiatives that improve the quality of life and long-term health of residents in neighborhoods.
• To build neighborhood capacity, opportunity, and leadership, and generate more collaboration between residents, organizations, and leaders.

Who is eligible?

Residents of Tompkins County, including neighborhood or community organizations, newly formed groups of neighbors with a specific project in mind, or civic-minded individuals who can show community support for their project.

What are the grants?

Grants are for small, relatively simple projects that in some way support, or “seed”, greater
• Equity
• Self-sufficiency, and
• Long term health: social, economic or environmental.

Grant funds may be used for ongoing or one-time projects, as long as they meet the stated criteria.
Grants range from $150 – $750 each.

Our funds are limited so please keep these policies in mind: in general, the granted funds do not pay for staff time; only projects that take place in Tompkins County are eligible. If you receive an award we ask that you wait a year before applying again.

Examples: Funds for tools for a start-up bloc-wide garden project…materials for a community quilt project with an inter-generational component… tuition scholarship for a leadership development training… start-up funds for a youth-run business that increases neighborhood self-reliance…

How do I apply?

Applications are due on a quarterly basis: March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1.

A short application will be made available that asks you to show how the project:
• Will benefit the neighborhoods or community
• Will be carried out
• Will have some specific results in 6 months or less
• Will get community support

To request an application form, please contact Sasha at 607-272-1720 or  All applicants must use Sustainable Tompkins application form, and all projects must benefit the people of Tompkins County, NY.