

People across the Finger Lakes Region are deeply concerned about the prospect of extensive drilling for natural gas in the vast Marcellus Shale deposit. The use of hydrofracking technology to force out the gas brings with it significant threats to the health and well being of our entire community. With close to 40% of the land in Tompkins County leased for gas drilling, we are likely to see severe impacts from this extractive industry.

That’s why Sustainable Tompkins has joined the call for a statewide ban on hydrofracking until all concerns and all costs are competently addressed by the drilling industry and the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation. However, we strongly believe that we must be willing to take a systems approach to the issue of natural gas drilling. If we want to reduce the supply of gas flowing from the Marcellus, then we have to prove that we are also willing to take the time, and make the investments, to decrease our demand for natural gas and fossil fuels.

Sustainable Tompkins believes that most of the folks showing concern about gas drilling are also interested in living more sustainably – but how do we prove it? How can we demonstrate that we “walk our talk” when it comes to opposing drilling for natural gas?

Gay Nicholson explains the need for the Finger Lakes Energy Challenge

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Latest News on the Challenge

john dean

Local musician John Dean shares his feelings about drilling for shale gas with “No Frackin’ Way” (copyright 2010 by John Dean), a bluesy recounting of shared concerns about hydrofracking. Be sure to listen for the refrain about using renewable energy! And then be sure to go take the Finger Lakes Energy Challenge!

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Let’s Walk our Talk!

Gay Nicholson explains the need for the Finger Lakes Energy Challenge

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Sustainable Tompkins believes that most of the folks showing concern about gas drilling are also interested in living more sustainably – but how do we prove it? How can we demonstrate that we “walk our talk” when it comes to opposing drilling for natural gas?

Connecting the Dots Sarah Highland, a local green builder, came up with the idea for the Finger Lakes Energy Challenge as she was driving through her homelands in West Virginia coal country, wishing for a way to help people connect the dots between their own fossil fuel consumption and the damage done by mining and drilling.

Listen to Sarah as she shares her vision for taking personal responsibility for our demand for fossil energy.

Check out this preview clip of Empowered, a film by board member Shira Golding about residents of Tompkins County exploring alternative energy solutions.

Energy Fair – Excerpt from “EMPOWERED: Power from the People” from Shira Golding on Vimeo.

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